The acoustic panels are an eco-friendly and harmless material that combines high fire resistance with good acoustic and aesthetic properties. Widely used in interior design of public and residential buildings, finishing of ceilings and walls, in premises with increased acoustic load, where noise absorption is of importance. Suitable for high humidity facilities.

Wood wool width:0.5, 1.0, 1.5 mm; 3.0 mm - available upon request
Panel thickness:15, 25, 35, 50 mm
Size:2400x600 mm, 1200x600 mm and 600x600 mm + other sizes upon request
Weight:7.0 - 19.5 kg/m2
Cement:white portlandcement
Thermal conductivity: λ = 0.066 W/mK
Fire safety class:B-s1, d0 or A2-s1, d0 (for A2 panels)
Colurs:natural (N), white (WP), black (BP, grey (GP), natural painted (NP) + any colour from RAL or NCS colur chart upon request

 Please see more information about technical parameters of acoustic panels and their application in the section ‘Downloads’.