Artworks of Uģis Šēnbergs on the wood wool panels

Text: CEWOOD publicity

Photo: Māris Šmits

The creative expression of art and manufacturing have joined hands into a special project – the exhibition of an architect Uģis Šēnbergs “Expression in the Portrait of Environment”, marking the anniversary of his professional and creative life. The exhibition reaffirms the potential of creativity in applying new spatial materials and technologies.

  Insight of the opening event on 11th July

The architect painted with a painter brush on CEWOOD wood wool panels creating portraits of well-known public figures important for him. They unfold in interpretation manner as the architect tried to capture his feelings, events and important aspects of them. They do not bear any obvious resemblance one would expect from a portrait. Nevertheless they are charged with the expressively experimental style chosen by Uģis Šēnbergs.

“I do not strive to achieve photographic resemblance of the portrait – I leave it to photographers. Even though the vision is the most splendid feature we have, I try to paint something that is behind each person. I do not rationalize while painting, I just wait the process to happen. The paintings are a continuation of my architectural objects. An architect just like a doctor has so many encounters with people. I portrait people in abstract manner, using architectural means, by creating private houses, multi-storey residential houses and apartments. They dress into ‘suits’ created by me. In these portraits I use colour, I create facade for nine-storey buildings,” architect Uģis Šēnbergs.


“To step aside from the routine, to find new solutions, to look at the architecture and buildings not only from the practical aspect of manufacturing, but also to take a glimpse outside the box and scope. We are united in these values; we are looking for new directions together. One of values cherished and supported by our company is the world of art, we appreciate both experienced masters and give a helping hand to new artists who are just starting on their path,” CEWOOD Baltic Sales Manager, Māris Šmits reveals.

As the leading manufacturer of wood wool panels in Baltic countries, CEWOOD invests also in the research which would allow to find new applications for acoustic ceiling finish (wood wool) panels in future.